Trail of Tears Rest Stop

Trail of Tears Rest Stop
Trail of Tears
CDB Project # 630-565-005
The project consists of the demolition and construction of two different rest area buildings at the Trail of Tears northbound
site and Trail of Tears southbound site. The design of the building and the exterior landscaping reflect the significance of the
site locations and proximity to the Trail of Tears. Each building is approximately 6000 SF and consists of two gang restrooms, a
security office, vending storage, breakroom area, building services storage and interpretive center. New sidewalks, ramps,
picnic areas, outdoor play and exercise equipment are all included in the design. Reconstruction of the existing sewage
lagoon is also included in the project.
– IDOT requested that we incorporate a design that could be used as a template for future rest areas, which we successfully
– We evaluated the sewers lagoon and gave the user three options with cost estimates.
– Designed a completely new facility that will be the first new rest area built in Illinois
in many years.
Year of Completion: In Design
Construction Costs: Estimated $6,916,000